A Brand New Page: de la Pen Redesign + 9 Years of InkLessons

Dear Pennies & Pens,

Did you peep our new page?! Last week, we quietly relaunched de la Pen…All Pen Everything with a new design. We worked with chloedigital as they handled installing and customizing our Empress Theme.

Welcome to A Brand New Page: de la Pen Redesign. For those that have been loyal to this site, you know that de la Pen…All Pen Everything was created almost 10 years ago in 2010. de la Pen started off as a fashion blog but over the years it’s become so much more.

de la Penā€¦All Pen Everything is a multicultural lifestyle magazine published by ISLP.

de la Pen…All Pen Everything is a multicultural lifestyle magazine published by ISLP. de la Penā€¦All Pen Everything is based in Dallas. We use our ink to create high quality, original, and unique content to inspire and empower our audience to ink the life theyā€™ve always wanted. #InkWithUs. Therefore, we feature a variety of topics such as:

  • Multicultural + International + Vegan = Fashion
  • Multicultural + Vegan + Organic = Beauty
  • Multicultural + Modern + Historic = Art
  • Hip-hop + R&B + Pop = Music
  • Comedies + Musicals = Films + Theatre
  • Vegan + Multicultural = Food
  • Emerging + Established = Wineries + Breweries
  • Hidden Gem + Popular = Travel Destinations
  • Boutique + Lifestyle = Hotels
  • Social + Business = Events
  • Creative + Lifestyle + Personal + Business = Advice + Tips

We’ll admit that the past 9 years have been a journey. We’ve struggled with consistency, finding our editorial voice, creating content, marketing, increasing traffic, like pretty much everything. It hasn’t been an easy inkride.

But almost 10 years later, we’re still here. How many online magazines and blogs can pull up a post from 2010?! This is what we tell people all the time. In this 140 character can only see the first two lines of text on da gram world, longevity and originality is what makes a brand a household name. Having followers is cool and tons of traffic to your site is even better but if you’re less than 5 years old, you’ve got a long way to go.

This is not to downplay anyone’s accomplishments but if you look at the most successful brands and people they’ve been around for YEARS. Like literal years. One of my personal favorite brands is Target. I love me some Target, their stores are always clean, staff friendly and prices are right. So guess what I found out from a Google search, Target was started in 1902!!! This means yo grandma’s mama been shopping at Target.

The Loudest Pen Ever
The Loudest Pen Ever is a narrative nonfiction book with stories and poems about life, love, relationships and pop culture. Inked by LoudPen. Cover image by Marc Mayes. Cover Design by Michelle Fairbanks of Fresh Design

So Pennies & Pens, please keep in mind that it take TIME to create a brand and build a business around it. For the first few years, you’re going to struggle because no one believes in you so you’ll have to fight for every website click, follower, and sale. But keep going. Keep inkin the page.

I hope you like the redesign! Browse the new page and let me know what you think. Also, share your inkthoughts about what it takes to build a brand and business in the comments!

And there it is. de la Pen…All Pen Everything. With us, keeping it real never goes wrong.

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de la Pen