Dear Pennies & Pens,
On September the 12th, I celebrated my birthday. In no way shape or form will I be indicating my age so don’t ask. I decided to use one of my favorite Kanye West lines “Rock Forever 21 But Just Turned Thirtay” for the title of this post because it’s dope and so is Ye.
I know everyone is giving Kanye shit because that seems to be the thing to do these days, but Kanye will always have a special place in my heart. He made the College Dropout for fuck’s sake. What more do you want?

Anywho, with this birthday, I realized many, many things. So I did what any Lifestyle Blogger would do which is to write a blog post. This post includes a list of vows or promises or resolutions, whatever you’d like to call them that I will now be abiding by.
I came up with this list because I was fuckin freaking out about my bday. It just felt like shit wasn’t together and there was nothing I could do to change that.

But then I realized that there was nothing to be upset about. I decided to count my blessings and move on. I also concluded that I should write this post because it helps to get your thoughts out on paper. With no further adieu, I give you the list below.
Buy shit just because it’s cheap – I don’t care if it’s $1, if the product or service adds no value to my life, I will not be purchasing it. It makes no sense to spend money on something you don’t want or need. Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean you should buy it. From now on, I’m only buying what I need or want.
Base my self worth on how many social media followers I have – I am the shit and everyone knows it. It’s not my fault if everyone on social media can’t seem to follow suit.
I am just as fabulous with 360 Instagram followers than if I had 360 million followers. Lifestyle Blogger or not, social media doesn’t define who I am. Have a seat.
Allow brands to low ball me – I get it, brands want to work with bloggers who have a billion Instagram followers and can generate millions of sales with one post. But let me be the first to tell you that shit is silly and if you’re a brand who thinks like that then you need help. Seriously.
You work with a blogger because they produce great content. Point.Blank.Period. Social media followers have nothing to do with the quality of content a blogger creates. It’s supposed to be an added bonus that the blogger has a large following not your sole basis for hiring them. I am not going to let any brand cheapen what I do I because I don’t have a huge following.
Think shit I see on social media is real – Nothing posted on social media is real. If you believe that, you need help as well. Every photo has been photoshopped, filtered, and the copy and has been edited by at least 2-3 people before it’s posted.
So nothing is real, social media is an allusion. It’s what you want people to think of you and/or your business. I am not wasting another thought thinking what I see on social media is real and that I am somehow missing out or lacking something.
Do things that make other people happy – Fuck people yo. They always have a plan for your life and what you should be doing. Then they claim it will make you happy when the truth is, it will make them happy.
I am not doing things just because it makes other people happy. If it doesn’t make me happy, I’m not doing it.
Get stressed about being broke – I’m broke. No need to stress about the shit. I mean Jay Z said he had more fun when he was piss poor and pissed off.
I’ll have to become rich to see if I agree with him or not. But either way, I’m just gonna ride the broke train until it ends.
Drink wine, lots & lots of wine – I fully intend to drink as much wine as I can get my hands on. If you think I’m an alcoholic, I am not…they go to meetings, I do not.
Therefore, I am a drunk, please get it right.
Talk shit – I love to talk shit and I intend to do it whenever I get the chance.
Date guys I’m not interested in – I will no longer be dating guys I’m not interested in. That includes giving out my number. No, I don’t have a man or husband, I am just not interested in you.
No more lies, ignoring calls or texts, she’s just not that into you bruh, let it go.
Travel the world – Like Ariel, I don’t know when, I don’t know how but I know something’s starting right now! Watch and you’ll see, someday, I’ll be, part of your world! Such an excellent song!
Anyway, I plan to travel the world but as I stated before I am broke. So idk how the fuck I’m going to do it but I will.
Find a fine ass man and marry him – I need a real smooth brother, who’s never in a rush and gives me goose pimples with every single touch, spends quality with his kids when he can, secure in his manhood, he’s a real man. Like that’s what I need in my life Pennies & Pens!
I swear when I find his ass, I’m going to marry him. I hope he knows I’m not wearing a dress on our wedding day and I need a blue sapphire engagement ring. I’m also not changing my name because this isn’t 1950 and he’s not changing his so why should my shit change? I will hyphenate and that is my final offer.
Become a Vegetarian/Vegan – Whew this one is hard y’all! Not because I don’t like it but because it has forced me to watch what I eat. I have to screen the menu and make sure I don’t buy anything that has meat in it. I started this journey in June and it became official in July.
Right now, I am Vegetarian and my goal is to become 100% Vegan. I’m transitioning to Veganism because I genuinely like it and I feel better than I ever have in my life. There was no deep epiphany moment, I just decided to try it out and fell in love with it.
There’s a lot of other things I will be doing but I don’t feel like writing anymore. So that’s that.
And there it is. de la Pen…All Pen Everything. With us, keeping it real never goes wrong.